Play as the cat-pirate captain Blackfur, robbing a ship filled with trader mice and their dastardly rat guards of all the loot YOU deserve.

WASD to move, Space to jump, Lmb to swipe with your claws, Rmb to shoot the gun, R to restart.

Collect treasures until your pirate taste is sated.


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Puss in Boots? More like Puss and booty! You are Captain Blackfur, armed with claw, single-shot flintlock pistol and blunderbuss in this endearing, yet brutal highscore-chaser by Shiloh with a banger soundtrack and plenty of vermin to relieve of their gold. Arrr you ready? 


Lovely concept and a very cute presentation. Love the sprites and the appropriate soundtrack as well. Had a lot fun playing it! +the four barrel blunderbuss was a blast to use.